Best Kidney Care Hospital in India | Nephrology | Banjara Hills | AINU




 Proteinuria is a condition where a large amount of protein is excreted in the urine, which is above the normal quantity. This is a very early sign of kidney diseases. Healthy kidneys do not allow the protein to pass through their filters (nephrons). Any abnormality in the glomerular filter membrane leads to protein leak from the blood into the urine.




 Diabetes and high blood pressure cause damage to the kidneys, which leads to proteinuria. Other types of kidney disease unrelated to diabetes or high blood pressure like nephrotic syndrome, autoimmune diseases, and glomerulonephritis can also cause the protein to leak into the urine.




·        Large amounts of protein may cause urine to be foamy

·        facial puffiness

·        swelling in the hands, feet

·        fluid in the abdomen.




·        Diabetes and high blood pressure is the most common causes that can cause kidney disease, It is important to make sure that these conditions are under control.

·        If you have protein in the urine, but you don't have diabetes or high blood pressure then talk to your doctor about a treatment option for you as it can occur due to various causes like the use of painkillers, an alternate system of medicines, autoimmune diseases.

·        The treatment of proteinuria varies depending on the degree, the cause of it. Treatment will be planned only after a thorough evaluation.


 Asian Institute of Nephrology and Urology (AINU) is the best kidney hospital in India, providing world-class treatment for all your renal problems. AINU hospitals successfully completed 500 robotic surgeries and proven that they are the best kidney transplant hospital in India



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