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Advice for Kidney Stones
kidney stone
kidney stone is a hard mass that forms from crystals in the urine. For
most people, natural chemicals in the urine keep stones from forming and
causing problems.
Did you know that 1 in 10 people have kidney stones over the course of a lifetime?
Dietary Advice to Stone forms
Drink plenty of fluid
includes the following fluid such as water, coffee, and lemonade which have
been shown to have a beneficial effect with the exception of grapefruit juice
and soda.This helps to produce less concentrated urine and ensure a good urine
volume of at least 2.5L/day
Limit foods with high oxalate content
chocolate, wheat bran, nuts, tea, and rhubarb this food should be eliminated
from your diet intake
Eat enough dietary calcium
servings of dairy per day will help lower the risk of calcium stone formation.
Eat with meals
Avoid extra calcium supplements
supplements should be individualized by your physician and registered kidney
Eat a moderate amount of protein
protein intakes may cause kidneys to excrete more calcium, therefore, this may
cause a higher occurrence of kidney stones
Avoid high salt intake
sodium intake will increase calcium in the urine which this may also increase
in the risk of kidney stones occurrence
salt intake is also important to maintain stable blood pressure.
Avoid high doses of vitamin C supplements
is recommended to take 60mg/day of vitamin C based on the US Dietary Reference
Asian Institute of Nephrology and Urology (AINU) is
the best kidney hospital in India, providing world-class
treatment for all your renal problems. AINU hospitals successfully completed
500 robotic surgeries and proven that they are the best kidney transplant hospital in India.
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