Best Kidney Hospital in India | Nephrology | Banjara hills | AINU
Kidney functions:
Kidneys are
bean-shaped organs; they are located below the rib cage.
Kidneys filter about a
half cup of blood every minute, filtering waste and excess of water to make
urine. Urine flows from the kidneys to the bladder through two tubes
called ureters, one on each side of the bladder. Bladder stores
urine. Kidneys, ureters, and bladder are part of the urinary tract.
Jobs that kidney do
1. Remove wastes and extra
Kidneys act as a filter that
removes wastes and extra fluid from your body. Kidneys filter blood to
make urine. Urine contains wastes and extra fluid. This prevents the gather of
wastes and fluid to keep the body healthy.
2. Control blood pressure
Kidneys need the pressure to
work properly. Kidneys can ask for higher pressure if it seems too low, or try
to lower pressure if it seems too high by controlling fluid levels and making
the hormone that causes blood vessels to constrict.
3. Make red blood cells
Kidneys make the hormone
called erythropoietin. Erythropoietin helps the bone marrow to make
red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to all body parts.
Red blood cells give the energy that you need for daily activities.
4. Keep bones healthy
Kidneys will make an active
form of vitamin D. You need vitamin D to absorb calcium and phosphorus. Calcium
and phosphorus are important minerals that make bones strong. Kidneys also
balance calcium and phosphorus in the body has the right amount.
5. Control pH Levels
pH is a measure of acid and
base. Kidneys maintain a healthy balance of the chemicals to control acid
levels. As cells break down, they make acids. The foods you eat can either
increase or lower the amount of acid in your body. Your kidneys balance
the pH of your body by either removing or adjusting the right amounts of acid
and buffering agents.
Asian Institute of
Nephrology and Urology (AINU) is the best kidney hospital in
India, providing world-class treatment for all your renal problems.
AINU hospitals successfully completed 500 robotic surgeries and proven that
they are the best kidney transplant
hospital in India.
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